White Collar is a crime/mystery television series that premiered on October 23, 2009, on the USA Network. The series stars Matt Bomer as Neal Caffrey, a former conman, forger and thief, and Tim DeKay as FBI Special Agent Peter Burke. The pair form an unlikely partnership as they work together to apprehend white collar criminals. The series also stars Willie Garson as Mozzie, an old friend of Neal's who occasionally aids the FBI in their investigations; Tiffani Thiessen as Elizabeth Burke, Peter's wife; and Marsha Thomason and Sharif Atkins as agents Diana Berrigan and Clinton Jones, respectively. Natalie Morales appeared in the first season as agent Lauren Cruz. Hilarie Burton was introduced in the second season as Sara Ellis, a love interest for Neal. She joined the main cast at the beginning of the third season.
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